Saturday | Saturday Night | Sunday | |
Weather: | Cloudy. Snow. Snow levels below 7000 feet. Chance of precipitation is 100%. | Mostly cloudy. Scattered snow showers. Snow levels below 7000 feet. Chance of precipitation is 30%. | Partly cloudy. Snow levels below 7000 feet. Chance of precipitation is 5%. |
Temperatures: | 23 to 28. deg. F. | 11 to 19. deg. F. | 22 to 28. deg. F. |
Mid Slope Winds: | Southwest 15 to 25 mph with gusts to 40 mph. | West to northwest 10 to 15 mph. Gusts up to 25 mph in the evening. | Light winds. |
Expected snowfall: | 70% probability of 8 to 12 inches. 30% probability of 4 to 8 inches. | SWE = up to 0.60 inch. | 80% probability up to 1 inch. 20% probability of 1 to 2 inches. | SWE = less than 0.10 inch. | No accumulation. | SWE = none. |
Saturday | Saturday Night | Sunday | |
Weather: | Cloudy. Snow. Snow levels below 7000 feet. Chance of precipitation is 100%. | Mostly cloudy. Scattered snow showers. Snow levels below 7000 feet. Chance of precipitation is 30%. | Partly cloudy. Snow levels below 7000 feet. Chance of precipitation is 5%. |
Temperatures: | 19 to 25. deg. F. | 10 to 16. deg. F. | 16 to 22. deg. F. |
Ridge Top Winds: | Southwest 25 to 40 mph shifting to the west 20 to 30 mph in the afternoon. Gusts up to 65 mph. | Northwest 15 to 25 mph. Gusts up to 45 mph decreasing to 30 mph after midnight. | North 10 to 20 mph with gusts to 35 mph in the morning becoming west around 10 mph. |
Expected snowfall: | 80% probability of 8 to 14 inches. 20% probability of 5 to 8 inches. | SWE = 0.50-0.75 inch. | 70% probability up to 1 inch. 30% probability of 1 to 3 inches. | SWE = less than 0.10 inch. | No accumulation. | SWE = none. |