Shallow but Consolidated Snowpack with lots of Anchors on Rubicon

Location Name: 
Rubicon Peak
West Shore Area
Date and time of observation: 
Fri, 11/23/2012 - 14:35
Location Map: 
United States
38° 59' 42.7416" N, 120° 8' 1.212" W

Red Flags: 

Observation made by: Forecaster
Snowpit Observations
More detailed information about the snowpack: 

Below 7500 ft on Rubicon, very little continuous snow cover remains. Some patches of shallow snow do still exist below this elevation on northerly aspects; however, they were few and far between.

Between 7500 and 8500 ft the snowpack becomes more consistent with snow depths ranging from 6 inches to 2 ft. The snow surface consisted of a mix of supportable crusts and some softer melt-freeze snow. The snowpack in this elevation range showed similar characteristics to the snowpack father north along the Sierra Crest. It consisted of a mix of crusts and consolidated snow. Hand pits, probing, ski cuts, and general observations did not reveal any signs of instability in this area.

At the higher elevations above 8500 ft. wind affected snow and variable crusts capped a slightly deeper snowpack. As with the mid elevations, hand pits, probing, ski cuts, and other observations showed no signs of instability in this area.

Even though more consistent snow coverage did exist at the mid and upper elevations, a plethora of anchors like rocks, shrubs, and stumps still remain uncovered.

Signs of significant melting were present at all elevations.

Weather Observations
Blowing Snow: 
Cloud Cover: 
Air temperature: 
Above Freezing
Wind Speed: 
Air temperature trend: 
Wind Direction: 
Accumulation rate: 
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