Looking around Carson Pass

Location Name: 
North side of Carson Pass
Carson Pass Area
Date and time of observation: 
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 09:28
Location Map: 
United States
38° 42' 5.328" N, 119° 59' 33.3996" W

Red Flags: 
Recent loading by new snow, wind, or rain
Rapid warming

Observation made by: Public
Snowpit Observations
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First thing this morning @8800'@ 8:30 am wind was still blowing out of the SW at 10-12mph and temps were below freezing. Then around 10:00am winds had stopped and temps were above freezing and warming up. On the accent we saw widespread supportable wind board and wind scoured surfaces. Along ridge line there was Sasturgi and patches of ice as a result of strong winds. Pit results on E aspect@9000' showed some reactive layers during compression test. At 30cm CTE 9 Q2 RP, this was wind slab above recent new snow and at 50cm CTH24 Q2 pc was within an old rain crust. 

Around the corner on NE aspect@ 8700' in a heavily loaded area, ECT results in a 125cm pit resulted in ECTP10 SC @ 80cm.This column slid off clean to the ground. It was obvious that the new snow had not totally settled.

Around the corner to the SE in a 65cm pit @8600',  a solid 3cm knife hard crust was on the surface. This was probably a combination of wind board and a melt freeze crust from yesterday's clear skies and warming temps. Below that was 60cm of 1f recent new snow down to an old rain layer.

No signs of natural slides or ski cut results. 

Photo 1&2:  Breaking through supportable wind board

Photo 3: Large overhanging cornices will become something to watch as temps continue to warm this week!

Photo 4: This was the section that slid off during the ECT.

Photo 5: Sasturgi and ice on ridge line.


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Weather Observations
Blowing Snow: 
Cloud Cover: 
25% of the sky covered by clouds
Air temperature: 
Below Freezing
Wind Speed: 
Air temperature trend: 
Wind Direction: 
Accumulation rate: 
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