These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
11/28/2018 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
NW Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
Light wind loading occurring off of summit ridge with cornice development. Wind loaded pillows showed minor cracking.  Forecaster
11/27/2018 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Echo/Becker Ridge

Echo Summit Area
Pit location at 8,000', N aspect. 35-40 cm snow cover on ridgetop at ~7,800' with evidence of previous rain on snow. Another view of snow cover on ridgetop at ~7,900'. Forecaster
11/26/2018 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Tamarack Peak

Mount Rose Area
True north aspects have the most snow with other aspects showing numerous rocks and bare patches. Looking down the Hourglass from the top of Tamarack Peak. Looking across at Relay Peak. Top of the Proletariat looking down. Forecaster
11/24/2018 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
Pooling water along the Castle Valley Road from 7200-7800' Rain runnels with wet snow to the ground below 7800' Rain crust up to peak at 9100'. Forecaster
11/24/2018 - 10:00

Snowpack Observation

Carson Pass Area
Professional Observer
11/23/2018 - 15:00

Snowpack Observation
Upper Ophir Creek Drainage

Mount Rose Area
Wind slab over storm slab (hand shear) HS 35-55 cm 4f over F Shooting cracks Public
11/23/2018 - 12:30

Snowpack Observation
Far East Ridge of Tamarack Peak

Mount Rose Area
Some skier triggered cracking on a small wind-loaded test slope Representative snow coverage in non-wind-loaded terrain. There were numerous exposed and barely covered rocks. Wind-loaded areas held more snow coverage, but the coverage decreased quickly below the ridges with many areas of bare ground still present. Numerous bushes, stumps, rocks, and other obstacles still exposed. Many areas of bare ground still remain due to a combination of wind-scouring and a lack of snow. Forecaster
11/23/2018 - 10:30

Snowpack Observation
Grouse Rock

Blackwood Canyon or Ward Canyon Area
11/22/2018 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Elephant's Back

Carson Pass Area
Professional Observer
04/21/2018 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
3-5'' of wet surface snow on top of a semi supportable m/f crust at 12:30pm. Guide

Tahoe Mountain Scho
04/21/2018 - 09:30

Snowpack Observation
Andesite Peak

Donner Summit Area
Poor snow surface refreeze on open E aspect at 7,600'. About 3 inches of weak crust on top of 3 inches of residual storm snow on top of older melt-freeze crust. Residual wet snow in the deeper snowpack. Skier triggered roller balls on mid slope avalanche path on Andesite Peak. NE aspect at 7,900' at 9:15 am. Skier triggered roller balls on the summit of Andesite Peak. NE aspect at 9:45 am. Forecaster
04/20/2018 - 11:30

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
Small loose wet activity on E aspects at 10:30am at 8000'. Up to 4-6'' of transitional snow on many NW-N-NE aspects.  Mostly ski supportable but not boot supportable. Minor wind scouring on N aspects from recent NW winds. Guide

Tahoe Mountain Scho
04/20/2018 - 11:30

Avalanche Observation
Red Lake Peak

Carson Pass Area
04/20/2018 - 10:30

Snowpack Observation
Rubicon Peak

West Shore Area
Human triggered roller ball showing developing instability. N aspect, below treeline, ~7,900', 10 am. Easily skier triggered loose wet avalanche on test slope. E aspect, at treeline, 9,040', 10:40 am. Forecaster
04/19/2018 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Mt. Judah

Donner Summit Area
Mix of sun and snow showers over the Sierra Crest. Breakable melt-freeze crust on N aspects. Supportable melt-freeze crust over recent storm snow on ESE aspect @ 8,200'. Forecaster
