These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
02/13/2021 - 10:00

Avalanche Observation
Incline Lake Peak

Mount Rose Area
Human-triggered avalanches on a steep (38-40+ degree) E facing slope Looking up from the debris Human-triggered avalanches on a steep (38-40+ degree) E facing slope Human-triggered avalanches on a steep (38-40+ degree) E facing slope Another avalanche on a nearby steep E-ENE facing slope Looking down into the debris The crown of tha avalanche Forecaster
02/13/2021 - 10:00

Snowpack Observation
Galena Peak

Mount Rose Area
02/13/2021 - 09:00

Avalanche Observation
Shirley Canyon

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
Wind slab avalanche from early morning on Feb. 13, NE aspect, 6950' Guide

Alpenglow Expeditio
02/12/2021 - 14:45

Avalanche Observation
The Grills

Little Truckee Summit Areas
Rider triggered slab on the Grills Educator

West Wind Collecti
02/12/2021 - 14:00

Avalanche Observation
Silver Peak

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
A new avalanche, likely from last night's storm, within the bed surface of the Feb 2 deep slab avalanche 2-3mm surface hoar, in an open area below treeline on a N aspect at ~7100', at 2:30pm today Scouring and wind effect on the north ridge of Silver Peak, near treeline around 8000' Guide

Alpenglow Expeditio
02/12/2021 - 14:00

Avalanche Observation
Judah Peak

Donner Summit Area
Looking down Money Run after slide, major slide debris is in shadow Crown, with tracks adjacent, looking North Public
02/12/2021 - 13:30

Avalanche Observation
Somewhere near Blue Lakes

Carson Pass Area
02/12/2021 - 13:30

Avalanche Observation
Silver Peak

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
1' storm slab avalanche skier triggered in below treeline terrain, north aspect, 7700', slope angle 38 to 40 degree convexity.  Just under 1' of high density storm snow Loose dry sluffing in some below treeline areas Blowing snow over Silver Peak in the afternoon hours Forecaster
02/12/2021 - 13:15

Avalanche Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area

International Alpine Guid
02/12/2021 - 11:30

Avalanche Observation
Hank's Bowl, Slide Mtn

Mount Rose Area
02/12/2021 - 10:30

Avalanche Observation
Donner Pass area

Donner Summit Area
02/12/2021 - 10:00

Avalanche Observation
Tallac, north bowl, 8.5k

Desolation Wilderness Area (including Emerald Bay)
lots of naturals observed on our way up - assumed during the storm lots of naturals observed - assumed during the storm lots of naturals observed - assumed during the storm Assumed human triggered avy Assumed human triggered avy Public
02/12/2021 - 09:45

Avalanche Observation
Flagpole peak

Echo Summit Area
02/12/2021 - 08:45

Avalanche Observation
Incline Peak

Mount Rose Area
02/12/2021 - 08:30

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
14 inch crown on a storm slab failure. Small but steep test slope. Public
