These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
01/24/2022 - 16:34

Snowpack Observation
Tamarack Peak

Mount Rose Area
01/24/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Relay Peak

Mount Rose Area
A little less than a inch of surface wet snow on S aspect terrain at 9,800' at 11 am. Up to 2 inches of surface wet snow on S aspect terrain at about 8,800' shortly after 11 am. Looking into E aspect terrain at about 9,500' that had undergone very little previous melt-freeze. Forecaster
01/24/2022 - 10:44

Snowpack Observation
Red Lake peak

Carson Pass Area
 Heavily wind affected snow above tree line from the last NE wind event. Wind affected snow below tree line on NE-N-NW aspect. Soft cold near surface facets on shaded aspects throughout our ascent. 3-5cm of boot pen @ 1100 @ 9500' on S-SE aspect. Small rollerballs on isolated patches of denser wet snow on SE aspect. Professional Observer
01/23/2022 - 23:30

Snowpack Observation
1mile N of Mt Lola

Little Truckee Summit Areas
Boot penetration of ~10" and rounding surface hoar on sheltered N aspect at 6,600". Ski Penetration of ~2" on N aspect. Wind and solar effect on S aspect at 8,400'.  Minor snow softening at 11:30. Shovel tilt test.  Finger pointing to buried surface hoar. Zoomed in image of buried surface. Old persistent slab avalanche.  Crown extensively filled in. Debris piles visible in trees below. Alternate view of old persistent slab avalanche crown. Public
01/23/2022 - 12:36

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak North Bowl

Donner Summit Area
Surface Hoar Location Snow pit Settlement cone Public
01/23/2022 - 12:11

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
Raised track and wind effect on the north face of Castle Sun softened snow on a South aspect @ 2pm Soft, surface faceted snow in sheltered terrain. 2-3mm surface hoar in a start zone above steep terrain Educator

West Wind Collecti
01/23/2022 - 12:07

Snowpack Observation

Ebbetts Pass Area
01/23/2022 - 11:34

Snowpack Observation
Tamarak lake

Carson Pass Area
01/23/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak, Ridge above Coon Canyon

Donner Summit Area
01/23/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak / Coon Canyon

Donner Summit Area
01/22/2022 - 13:26

Snowpack Observation
Luther Pass

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
Early morning cloud cover over Hawkins and Picketts peak. Boot pen @ 1000 @ 7600' on solar aspect. Breakable melt freeze crust on solar aspects. Thicker crusts in shaded areas with surface hoar growth on top of crust. 10cm boot pen on NE aspect above 9000'. Small pit on NE aspect @ 9500'. 10cm of near surface facets below 1-2cm thin crust in shaded areas. Poorly developed roller balls forming then breaking apart. Broken skies across Carson Pass during the afternoon. Professional Observer
01/22/2022 - 13:00

Snowpack Observation
Waterhouse North

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
Pic 1: Surface hoar at the bottom of the climb at Grass Lake. Pic 2: Debris field. Pic 3: Towards the top, yesterday's wind blew snow around unevenly. Public
01/22/2022 - 12:30

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
40cm of snowpack settlement Students ski tips in some soft surface faceted snow Well developed surface hoar Educator

West Wind Collecti
01/22/2022 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Ebbetts Pass

Ebbetts Pass Area
01/22/2022 - 10:00

Snowpack Observation
Stoney Ridge

West Shore Area
Near surface facets in shaded, northerly aspect terrain. Tree blowdown that fractured a wind slab. Likely occurred during the Jan 3-4 wind slab avalanche cycle. Forecaster
