These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
01/26/2023 - 10:26

Snowpack Observation
Surface hoar factory near Pickett Peak

Woodfords Canyon
Large feathered surface hoar. Hard melt freeze crusts on solar aspects above 7600'. Mid-slope wind drift. Wind effected snow in open areas below treeline. No signs of instability within pit profile. Professional Observer
01/25/2023 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Stevens Peak

Carson Pass Area
A shovel tilt test showing buried surface hoar at the right depth to be the failure layer of a nearby previous avalanche. Further testing showed it to be unreactive A previous avalanche on a NE aspect at 8800ft. Zoom in to crown and it's not very weather worn During the calm morning, surface hoar growing where E winds recently blew Professional Observer
01/25/2023 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Shallenberger Ridge

Donner Summit Area
Calm and sunny conditions in the morning. Surface hoar and some near surface faceting in wind protected BTL areas. Wind scouring along ridgeline Thin sun crusts with cold snow underneath on southerly aspects. Forecaster
01/25/2023 - 09:30

Snowpack Observation
Little truckee meadows

Little Truckee Summit Areas
01/24/2023 - 12:30

Snowpack Observation
Stoney Ridge

West Shore Area
Wind scouring near 8000' in open BTL terrain. Previous wind transport on Sun/Mon filling up this old skin track. ECTP-24 on hard wind slab Sun crusts forming on southerly aspects. Much calmer conditions today than recently with no blowing snow over upper elevations. Forecaster
01/24/2023 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Becker Peak

Echo Summit Area
Top failure at the bottom of near surface facets. Bottom failure on buried surface hoar Horrible conditions on north aspects due to north winds Eroded snow indicating upslope NE winds Professional Observer
01/24/2023 - 10:52

Snowpack Observation
Soft cold conditions near Saxon Creek.

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
Wind effected snow on exposed areas near treeline. Thinner breakable windslabs on East aspects up to 9000'. Scattered debris from recent winds in lower elevations. Settlement cracks around trees at 9000'. Non-reactive compression tests on NW aspect @ 8700'. 300+cms @ 8700' on NW aspect. Planar results during hand shears on thin wind slabs. Professional Observer
01/24/2023 - 01:23

Snowpack Observation
Perazzo Meadows Area

Little Truckee Summit Areas
01/23/2023 - 14:15

Snowpack Observation
Gondola Fire Burn Scar

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
01/23/2023 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Deep Creek Peak

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
We could see blowing snow along the ridges on the Sierra Crest. Winds affected snow was widespread on all aspects above treeline. Some wind affected snow existed in open areas below treeline Settlement cracks around trees indicating consolidation in the recent snow. 4-8 mm surface hoar was widespread on northerly aspects. Breakable sun crusts existed on the SE-S aspects Forecaster
01/23/2023 - 11:14

Snowpack Observation
Elephants Hump

Carson Pass Area
Looking at the scoured E face of Elephants Back. 3" of fresh snow on West facing aspect @ 8000' Melt freeze crust on E,SE,S aspects near 8200' Freshly loaded skin tracks from falling snow out of trees. Breakable wind slabs on exposed areas near tree line. Professional Observer
01/23/2023 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Blackwood Ridge

Blackwood Canyon or Ward Canyon Area
8mm surface hoar in the pit wall, N aspect at 7,400', near treeline terrain. ECTN on hard wind slab, 1F over 4F- hardness, N aspect at 7,200', near treeline terrain. Forecaster
01/23/2023 - 01:30

Snowpack Observation
Perazo meadows

Little Truckee Summit Areas
01/22/2023 - 14:24

Snowpack Observation
Carpenter Hill Area

Independence Lake Area
01/22/2023 - 13:00

Snowpack Observation
Mt. Judah

Donner Summit Area
Wind hammered surfaces in near treeline terrain on a N aspect on Mt. Judah Sastrugi and wind scouring on an E aspect above treeline on Mt. Judah NE winds blowing snow along the Mt. Judah ridgeline. Breakable sun crust on an E aspect below treeline on Mt. Judah. ECTN 16 on the buried surface hoar layer on a NE aspect at 7500 ft. Shovel tilt test to locate the buried surface hoar. Forecaster
