These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
04/02/2022 - 11:20

Snowpack Observation
Silver Peak

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
04/01/2022 - 14:00

Avalanche Observation
Forestdale Divide

Carson Pass Area
Professional Observer
04/01/2022 - 11:30

Snowpack Observation
Rubicon Peak

West Shore Area
About 3 inches of wet surface snow existed above a supportable melt-freeze crust on E aspects. Deep wet snow existed below the crust. Areas around trees are melting out and getting shallow. Last night's refreeze remained mostly supportable until we left the area around noon. Patches of bare ground are becoming larger on E aspects. Forecaster
03/31/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Silver Peak

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
E Bowl of Silver Peak Thin high clouds with sun breaks throughout the morning Firm melt freeze crusts on N aspects with little softening in the morning hours. View towards the Sierra Crest. Open water and running water widespread below 7400'. E aspect near 7000' with 18-20'' base.  P hard M/F crust on top of 1F wet grains. Lots of dirt sections on the approach and ski out. Forecaster
03/30/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Tamarack Peak

Mount Rose Area
8:30am-valley fog, low to mid level clouds, high thin cloud cover with lots of solar radiation. 9400' E aspect. Good refreeze of the snowpack with 2'' of soft surface snow on top of an 8'' M/F crust.  1.5' of wet grains below M/F crust. Below 9000' a thinner M/F crusts exists with some weakening by 11:30am. Variable snow surface conditions on N aspects Forecaster
03/29/2022 - 12:40

Avalanche Observation
Relay Peak

Mount Rose Area
03/29/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
Castle Peak in the clouds at 9:30am Limited cracking on small wind slabs(4'' deep) in near treeline terrain. Anywhere from a 1 to 4'' melt freeze crust has formed near the snow surface Roller balls forming on E aspects by 9:30am. Forecaster
03/29/2022 - 09:00

Snowpack Observation

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
Just over an inch of new snow near the creek draining Grass Lake Looking down towards Grass Lake Not much evidence of wind loading on the summit ridge itself. You can see a very small (1") cornice next to exposed crust. Once in the NE facing trees there was almost enough snow to hide the previous surface texture. In the lower half of the Powerhouse the old snow was noticeably softer and clearly still wet under the fresh snow. Looking at the new snow at about 8500'. The old snow here was soft and wet. Professional Observer
03/28/2022 - 11:30

Snowpack Observation
Elephants Hump

Carson Pass Area
Light dusting of new snow at trailhead Cracking on a very small wind slab near the summit ridge at 9000'. Previous wet surface snow refreezing with 2 to 4'' crusts A consolidated snowpack with wet surface snow refreezing. Looking S towards Elephants Back Forecaster
03/27/2022 - 12:30

Snowpack Observation
Waterhouse Peak

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
A ski cut triggered this wet loose avalanche on a small NE facing test slope. Boot top boot penetration at 11:30. ECTN targeting Feb 14 facet layer. Wet and loose facets that easily clump together when squeezed. Visual contrast of N vs S aspect snow coverage. Summit view.  Melted out S aspect foreground and N aspects in backgorund. Wet snow avalanche between Stevens and  Waterhouse. Public
03/26/2022 - 11:45

Avalanche Observation
Incline Lake Peak

Mount Rose Area
A ski cut around 11:45 am at the top of this ENE facing slope triggered a wet loose avalanche that entrained the top 12 to 16 inches of wet snow. Debris from the ski cut triggered wet loose avalanche. Knee deep wet snow on a N aspect at 10:00 am. Wet snow that did not support a skier on a NE aspect at 10:15 am. Hip deep wet snow next to rocks near 9700 ft @ 11:00 am. A thin melt-freeze crust on a N aspect at 9300 ft at 10:30 am Lots of rocks and exposed dirt on southerly aspects. Thin high clouds did not do much to prevent warming today. Thigh deep wet snow on a sunny ESE aspect at 11:15 am. Forecaster
03/26/2022 - 11:30

Avalanche Observation

Desolation Wilderness Area (including Emerald Bay)
03/26/2022 - 11:00

Avalanche Observation
Polaris Bowl

Carson Pass Area
03/26/2022 - 10:30

Snowpack Observation
Elephant's Hump

Carson Pass Area
Snow surface crust was just supportable to a normal boot penetration. This is the same foot print as the previous photo but with a slight hop which produced a boot penetration of over 30 cms Pit looking at 2/14 facet layer. They were moist and easily clumped in this location. Looking at 2/14 facet layer. ECTN 17 Looking SE, notable lack of continuous snow on this sunny slope and mixed cloud cover A different location (slightly higher, more shady due to trees, and more directly N facing) produced repeatable ECTP27 on 2/14 facets. Looking at ice layer and 2/14 facets Looking across Red Lake at the south face of Red Lake Peak Professional Observer
03/25/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
SW ridge of Castle Peak and Andesite Peak

Donner Summit Area
Pinwheels, one of which grew to 4 feet in diameter before breaking apart. ENE aspect around 7,800' at 11am. Lots of debris on the snow surface near treeline. Deep boot penetration at 9:20 am. Deep boot penetration at 10:15 am. Not as firm as it looks. Still deep boot penetration. Some supportable areas near treeline to above treeline. Forecaster
