These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
12/21/2022 - 11:36

Snowpack Observation
Red Lake Peak

Carson Pass Area
Small surface hoar development above 8500'. Wind affected snow in open areas. Fist hard snow in top 20cms of snow on shaded aspects. Over hanging cornice development on E-SE ridge line. Moderate sized pinwheel formation on small test slope on SW aspect. Breakable wind slab @ 8500' on E aspect. Professional Observer
12/21/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Silver Peak

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
Large, up to 2cm, surface hoar on north aspects around 7200-7500'. 10-15cms on near surface facets on North aspects. Warming conditions by midday with wet sticky snow. Forecaster
12/20/2022 - 14:14

Snowpack Observation
Shirley Canyon

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area
Surface hoar with our overnight trace of new snow on top of it. Educator

Alpenglow Expeditio
12/20/2022 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Incline Lake Peak

Mount Rose Area
Above freezing temperatures in the late morning with the cloud layer at 9500". F hard near surface facets in the top 10cm of surface snow.  These facets were moist, but still provide good travel conditions. Previous wind transport covering up an existing skin track. Clearing skies with cooling temperatures by early afternoon. Forecaster
12/20/2022 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Sierra Crest between Lincoln and Anderson

Donner Summit Area
The dusting on new snow buried surface hoar in areas below 7500 ft. A ski cut triggered this surface hoar sluff on a steep N facing slope at 7200 ft. Some Light blowing snow on the Sierra Crest. Wind sculpted snow and scoured areas on the windward side of the ridge. Some very small drifts of wind blown snow formed near the ridge. Cones around trees showing how much the snow has settled since the last storm. Tree bombs disturbed the surface snow. Forecaster
12/19/2022 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Janine Peak (Peak 9579')

Desolation Wilderness Area (including Emerald Bay)
Minimal recent wind affect on the snow surface above treeline on N-NE-E aspects. Large surface hoar near 7,000' in the Cascade Creek drainage. Building cloud cover over the Crystal Range. Breakable crust near 8,200' on S aspect terrain above Azure Lake. Forecaster
12/18/2022 - 11:00

Snowpack Observation
Hidden Peak

West Shore Area
Surface hoar and surface facets in the top 1-2 cm of the snowpack in heavily shaded areas. Impressive settlement cones in excess of one foot. A few lingering clouds low down over the lake at the inversion layer. Wet snow and a sun crust on a SE aspect at 8,400'. Forecaster
12/18/2022 - 10:00

Snowpack Observation
Fulstone Canyon

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
12/17/2022 - 23:00

Snowpack Observation
Carpenter Ridge

Independence Lake Area
12/17/2022 - 14:00

Snowpack Observation
Deep Creek

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area

Alpenglow Expeditio
12/17/2022 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Above Monument Pass

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
12/16/2022 - 13:04

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
12/16/2022 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Echo Peak

Echo Summit Area
Thin, fragile sun crust on E aspect at 7,700'. Surface hoar 5 to 20 mm on NE aspects below treeline. The largest SH was near the valley floor. Settlement cones indicating about 1 foot of settlement post storm. SH and near surface facets in the top few cm of the snowpack on a heavily shaded NE aspect around 7,000'. The top 2 cm of the snowpack were dry and did not clump in the hand. Forecaster
12/15/2022 - 14:00

Snowpack Observation
Peak 9200

Mount Rose Area
12/15/2022 - 13:00

Snowpack Observation
Castle Peak

Donner Summit Area
Scouring along the NE side of the ridgetop by NE winds. Minor amounts of drifting snow over the ridgetop. A large natural cornice collapse from during the last storm. Looked like an avalanche at first glance, but no flanks or avalanche debris, only cornice chunks. Forecaster
