These observations document past conditions at a small and variable scale. They are not to be confused with an avalanche forecast. They come from a variety of sources. We can only vouch for the quality of those produced by the SAC forecasters and professional observers.
Date and time of observation or avalanche occurrence Location Media Observation made by
01/07/2023 - 09:00

Avalanche Observation
Incline Peak

Mount Rose Area
01/06/2023 - 22:20

Snowpack Observation
Stevens Peak

Carson Pass Area
Ridge top sastrugi at 9500 Runnels (?) on N-NE aspects below summit near 9400 NE Cornices at 8600 Cracking and modest slab formation on switch backs Settlement cracks starting to form Guide

International Alpine Guid
01/06/2023 - 13:59

Snowpack Observation
Shirley Canyon

Cabin Creek, Deep Creek, or Pole Creek Area

Alpenglow Expeditio
01/06/2023 - 12:30

Snowpack Observation
Trimmer Peak

Luther Pass Area (including Job and Freel)
We started to notice cracking and very localized collapsing of the ski track. A quick hand pit showed lower density, F hard snow below. ECTN results at this location where skin track cracking began. Snow surface cracking up to 4 feet long as we moved into near treeline terrain. ECTN results at this location where we triggered cracking in near treeline terrain. Plenty of snow still available for wind transport on the ridgetops and winds forecast to increase tonight. Forecaster
01/06/2023 - 12:27

Snowpack Observation
Ophir pk, Chickadee Ridge

Mount Rose Area
01/06/2023 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Border Ruffian

Carson Pass Area
Prior to Dec 30th, this drainage was bridged by snow and rideable. Now it's 12ft down to open water. Tiger striping on features exposed to recent winds Tiger striping on features exposed to recent winds ECTPs on a crust/facet combo down 85cm Another round of surface hoar on the surface. Note it's growing on top of wind ripples Professional Observer
01/05/2023 - 13:00

Snowpack Observation
Ophir Peak

Mount Rose Area
Intense blowing snow along the ridge of Peak 9225. A ski kick caused a failure in the wind loaded snow on this small test slope. Ski kicks triggered long shooting cracks in wind-loaded areas. Snowdepth averaged 200-230cm in sheltered areas. A ski kick triggered a shooting crack that failed at the base of the storm snow on this wind loaded test slope. Skier triggered shooting crack that shot across the entire wind-loaded test slope. Forecaster
01/05/2023 - 12:40

Avalanche Observation
Frog lake Pass

Donner Summit Area

Blackbird Mountain Guid
01/05/2023 - 12:30

Snowpack Observation
Andesite Peak

Donner Summit Area
Natural small wind slab avalanche partially covered by additional storm snow and wind. Large shooting cracks above the avy chute on Andesite Ridge at 7800'. ECTP-12 on density change/old snow interface.  Down 12-14'' Settlement cracks starting to form. Visibility poor with storming conditions in near treeline areas. Forecaster
01/05/2023 - 11:00

Avalanche Observation
Twin Peaks

Blackwood Canyon or Ward Canyon Area
01/04/2023 - 12:43

Snowpack Observation
Poulsen Peak

Sawtooth Ridge to Tahoe City
01/04/2023 - 12:00

Snowpack Observation
Tamarack Peak

Mount Rose Area
Small wind slab on wind loaded test slope Small wind slab on wind loaded slope Small wind slabs on wind loaded test slope Settlement cones showing recent storm snow gaining strength.  Poor visibility with flat white light in the morning to midday.  Forecaster
01/04/2023 - 11:15

Avalanche Observation
Elephants Hump above Red Lake

Carson Pass Area
Polygon of slide path. Pano of debris in the center of path. East flank and crown line with large debris. Crown line looking west. More debris piles. Debris pile. Crown line looking East. Professional Observer
01/04/2023 - 10:16

Snowpack Observation
Elephants Hump

Carson Pass Area
Obscured 1/2 mile visibility @ 1000. Cloud ceiling level rising @ 1200 with warming temps. Small loose debris pile on wet surface snow @1030. Continued wet loose activity on same slope @ 1230. 2-3' wind drifts forming on service road up to Elephants Hump. Filled in skin tracks on the way down. Professional Observer
01/04/2023 - 07:04

Snowpack Observation
Flagpole Peak

Echo Summit Area
